See How Mount Vernon Raised $2.5 Million

See How Mount Vernon Raised $2.5 Million

The home of George Washington, Mount Vernon, was purchased by the Mount Vernon Ladies Association in 1858. Since then, it has been their mission to preserve the estate and its history. Mount Vernon is an important educational site for school children nationwide who can now learn about and explore the property online and virtually. The Mount Vernon Ladies Association creates interactive educational games, digital encyclopedias, educator development programs, and free customizable lesson plans for teachers.



This body of work requires continuous fundraising to be successful, and reaching donors is crucial. That’s where Red Paper Plane was able to step in and help. We found a compelling outreach method in our high-impact 7" HD Video Screen Brochure.

“We could have sent the video on a DVD or thumb drive; we could have shared it in an email. But none offer the same high touch level that the video mailer has. Right from the start, you open it, and it immediately impresses you. It transports you to Mount Vernon, even if you have not been there in a while and connects you with stories from our donors who have already participated in our campaign,” said Matt Briney, Vice President for Media & Communications. 

The level of response rate our video brochures received exceeded their expectations. The Mount Vernon Ladies Association directly credits the video brochures with $2.5 million in donations. The campaign went above and beyond what traditional mail could have achieved. Video delivered their story straight into the hands of their donors, and in return, the donors showed the support they needed. We're honored to be part of this incredible success story. 
Red Paper Plane is ready to help achieve your marketing dreams. Check out our video brochures, and let's start brainstorming what interactive print can do for you! 
